how can someone hack wahtsaap account with just phone number
is it possible someone can hack whatsaap account by just knowing phone number.
with the development of instant messaging plateforms like whatsaap,
there is a question arises.can someone hack my whatsaap with the phone number.
but fear not ,when you finish reading this comprehensive post ,you can deeply understand whtsaap nuber heacking
acess effective whatsapp number hacker tools and methods to hack someone’s whatsapp .get insight into the reasons you may need to hack whatsaap .
can someone hack your whatsaap with your number?
yes, it’s possible for someone to hack your whatsaap account using your phone number.way hackers may try to do it:
Hackers may download the whatsaap app ,enter your number ,and get a verification code send to your phone .then ,they may try to trick you into
giving them the code,such as by contacting you through whatsaap ans asking you to share it

Step 1- download the whatsaap aap
Step 2-enter your nuber
Step 3-send verification code